Ways to Reduce Big Increases in Auto Insurance

Reduce auto insurance

Reduce auto insurance

It seems like everything is more expensive nowadays, including car insurance. At Lott & Gaylor Insurance, we are dedicated to getting our customers the best deals possible – while making sure they’re adequately protected. Follow the tips in this article to lower your auto insurance rate and save some hard-earned money. 

  • Investigate discounts. 

There might be discounts available that you don’t even know you’re qualified for. A few types of discounts related to auto insurance include:

  • Having an energy efficient car
  • Being a good student
  • Enrolling in automatic payments
  • Being an active, reserved, or retired member of the military


  • Enroll in an accident prevention course. 

Accident prevention courses can often be completed online. Contrary to popular belief, they are not just for new drivers. 

  • Keep a good driving record. 

By keeping your driving record free of speeding tickets and accidents, you can keep your auto insurance rates low. 

  • Shop around.

You probably didn’t buy the first car you laid eyes on, so there’s no reason to purchase the first auto insurance policy you come across. Instead, get quotes from a few separate places and remember that the cheapest policy usually isn’t the best choice. 

  • Raise your deductible. 

If you pay a higher deductible, many insurance providers will lower the monthly amount that you pay for your auto insurance. Just remember that that deductible has to come out of your pocket if you get into an accident and need coverage. 

  • Improve your credit score. 

In some cases, people with low credit scores pay a higher rate for auto insurance. This is because that credit responsibility correlates to making responsible decisions while on the road. To improve your credit score, pay your bills on time, decrease your credit utilization rate, and make sure everything on your credit report is accurate. 

  • Bundle.

Combining your homeowners policy and auto insurance policy is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lower your rate. 

  • Go over your current policy.

If you’ve had the same policy for years, review it to see if your coverage has changed over time. Also, if you have an older vehicle, you may be able to lower your limits related to vehicle repair. 

Saving With Auto Insurance

There are plenty of ways that you can save money while remaining covered with auto insurance. To learn more or get a free quote today, get in touch with us at Lott & Gaylor Insurance


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