Being a landlord comes with well-known risks. From maintaining the property to managing tenants, landlords are exposed to potential lawsuits on a daily basis.
And if you’re ever found liable for someone who is injured on your property, or if you are required to pay for damage done to someone else’s property, it can end up costing you heavily.
While your tenants have insurance that covers their premises, the common elements and spaces including elevators and parking lots and side walks are your responsibility. Should a guest slip and fall or otherwise be injured, as the landlord – you could be held responsible. Landlord general liability coverage can help protect you for many of those risks.
Couple the general liability with a property policy to protect your building and you will have what is commonly referred to as a Lessors Risk insurance policy. Other coverages that should be considered are business interruption (also known as “loss of rents”) and umbrella among others.
Landlord liability coverage kicks in to help pay medical expenses for injured tenants, or legal defense and court judgments made against you for other damages, up to the limits stated in your policy. Coverage may include:
While most insurance products are similar in price and function, insurance providers vary when it comes to structuring a policy tailored to you.
After all, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all insurance policy when it comes to your business.
Contact us today, and we’ll help you protect what matters most.
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