Florida Church and Temple Insurance

Florida Church and Temple Insurance

Because different religions have different needs, our A.M. Best A-Rated insurance carriers offer wide-ranging solutions to fill gaps in coverage to make sure your Church or Temple is fully protected. We understand that protecting your ministry can be a daunting task with the myriad of insurance coverages available. Our church insurance programs are uniquely designed to give maximum protection to areas that typically are not addressed by standard business insurance policy’s.

Florida presents a unique risk for many insurers when it comes to protecting property from natural disasters. Our specialized carriers have a unique ability to insure Florida based property risks for coverages not always found in other markets at a price that is very competitive.

Many religious institutions have schools or educational facilities and that’s not a problem; in most cases that protection can be added to your coverage at minimal cost. Additionally, many of our carriers also offer the coverages that may be unique to schools with no religious affiliation at all. From Christian schools to pre-schools and early learning to charter schools – we can handle it. Lott & Gaylor Insurance has been serving the religious community in Fort Myers, Cape Coral Naples and all of Florida for over three decades, let us put our experience to work for you.

Liability Coverages:
  • General Liability
  • Professional Liability that extends to Pastoral Counseling and Teachers
  • Abuse and Molestation
  • Directors and Officers Liability
  • Church members included as additional insureds
  • Coverage included for fund raising events
  • Medical payments for volunteers included
  • Auto liability for vans, buses, hired and non owned autos
  • Sports Liability
  • Volunteer Liability
  • Liability for school and day care operations
  • Active Shooter coverage
Property Coverages:

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)