As a garage or auto repair shop business owner you understand the importance of having the proper insurance garage insurance coverage. You also expect your insurance representative to also have expert knowledge of your unique business. Whether you’re a small general auto repair shop or a franchised national chain specializing in auto body repair or auto electrical systems, we’ve seen it all. Our A.M. Best A-Rated carriers have specific and comprehensive programs designed to meet the needs of all garage and auto body repair shops here in Florida.
If your business is to take possession of, care for or repair a customers vehicle – you need a garage keepers liability insurance policy. Our agents have the knowledge and ability to match your needs with a garage insurance liability program that will give your business peace of mind at a budget that will fit your budget.
Auto dealers know the obvious risks. The value of your business sits vulnerable, on display in showrooms and open lots, all day and all night.
But does your auto dealers insurance policy consider the liability inherent in doing business, as well as the exposure that comes from hundreds of people visiting your lot each month?
Don’t worry, we can help.
Since every business is unique, we consider all aspects of your company to create a comprehensive business policy. You can trust us to make sure you have the insurance coverage your business needs.A comprehensive auto dealers insurance policy can include coverage, such as:
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