Employee Benefits

Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Naples Employee Benefits

Every company is looking for a competitive edge to differentiate themselves from their competition – what many business owners overlook is what should be the foundation of attracting, maintaining and retaining the best workforce possible. It’s no secret that outside of ordinary payroll, health insurance benefits have quickly become one of the largest expenditures for most businesses. At Lott & Gaylor Insurance, we work closely with our clients to evaluate risks and offer employee benefit solutions that make sense in terms of both coverage and cost.

At Lott & Gaylor, our job isn’t done once the employee benefits are placed. We work with you and continue to evaluate your business risk, analyze market conditions, manage the ever-changing compliance regulations and give alternative solutions when the time is right. With over 30 years in the insurance industry, Lott and Gaylor is uniquely qualified to provide your business employee benefits coverage and give you a level of service that will raise the bar. We expect you to expect more.

Employer Sponsored Benefits

Voluntary Worksite Benefits

We also offer voluntary work-site benefits programs which are offered to the employees on a voluntary payroll deduction basis.

Employee Benefit Services

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(10am - 05 pm)