Data drives the organizations of today’s world. Business of all sizes have had a cyber attack or data breach, with the average cost to rectify rising to $6.5 million per occurrence.
One stolen laptop, one careless employee, a virus or even paper records that fall into the wrong hands, can create a financial and reputational consequence affecting your business for years to come.
Cyber liability is necessary for every business, Lott & Gaylor offers our Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Naples clients fast and comprehensive cyber quotes with just a few simple questions.
We can help protect your business against damage to electronic data, virus or malware attack, liability to third parties, and also help recover the cost of:
Cyber liability coverage is available for any business, small and large, nonprofit organizations, and retailers. You may be able to save on costs by bundling coverage with another policy to create a comprehensive suite of business liability coverages.
We can help you assess the risks to your business and get you the protection you need in today’s data-reliant world.
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