As a business owner, every transaction you complete is fraught with peril.
Protecting your business from the impact of potential customer lawsuits should be the first order of business. And while only a precisely crafted liability insurance policy can shield your business from this expense and stress, it’s usually the last thing business owners handle.
Purchasing general liability insurance is one of the best ways to prepare for the unexpected. Improper or excluded insurance coverage’s may leave your business without proper protection. Whether it’s embezzlement or a natural disaster, a lawsuit or anything else that causes financial harm – it could spell the end of an otherwise thriving operation. Our agents are seasoned in helping you navigate through the multitude of complex insurance options and sometimes confusing terminology.
Our General Liability programs are also approved and satisfy the Amazon Pro Merchant Insurance requirements. Certificates of Insurance can be submitted as soon as the order is completed and coverage is bound. So if you’re a merchant on Amazon and your sales exceed $10,000 for three consecutive months, we’ve got solutions for you.
General Liability insurance (GL) covers the costs of legal fees. Imagine the peace of mind you’d have knowing that in the event of a claim, your assets are safe.
Liability insurance is appropriate for any business that could face potential lawsuits. There are many types that you may fit your needs:
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