Accidents and mistakes happen, it’s part of being human. You can’t be everywhere and you can’t oversee every aspect of every job, everyday. Professional Liability Insurance coverage not only insures against your errors but those of your employees or those of an independent contractor working for you.
Many professionals believe that they have all the legal protection they need in their General Liability insurance policy. In fact General Liability policies typically and specifically exclude errors or omissions coverage for many professions.
“E&O” insurance protects you or your company from claims if your client holds you responsible for errors in your professional work, or the failure of your work to perform as promised in your contract or agreement. Coverage typically includes legal defense costs – no matter how baseless the allegations. Errors and Omissions Insurance will pay for any resulting judgments against you, including court costs, up to the coverage limits on your policy.
At Lott & Gaylor, our knowledge of the insurance markets have enabled us to be a leading provider of affordable professional liability insurance in Florida and beyond for more than 30 years. Call today and let us answer any questions you may have about coverage options, plans and pricing.
Errors and omissions protects you from claims in the event a customer or client sues your service business for negligent acts, errors or omissions occurring during business activities, and which could potentially result in a financial loss for the client.
Errors and omissions insurance policies usually cover the business owner, both salaried and hourly employees, and subcontractors working on behalf of the business.
Errors and omissions insurance can be customized to meet your specific needs, no matter what your business or industry. Real estate agents face different risks than printing companies, but both have potential to impact their customers’ lives and livelihoods if a mistake occurs.
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