There’s an old saying, “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” As a business owner, you should know that the people you partner with have the best interests of your business’s best at heart.
As a business owner, you take calculated risks every day in, order to keep your business thriving. But what about the risks you haven’t considered? Business insurance is an excellent way to allow you to concentrate on profit, without being blindsided by unexpected liability.
Regardless of what line of business you work in, business insurance can protect you in a host of ways, including:
If you currently rely on property insurance you are protecting your assets, but not the business itself. If there’s a business interruption or a lawsuit, you need business insurance to ensure that you can keep going.
Our insurance is a collection of protective insurance policies for any business owner to protect against some of the greatest risks in business. It can shield you from losses arising from property, employee, or customer claims.
Purchasing business insurance is one of the best ways to prepare for the unexpected. Improper or excluded insurance coverage’s may leave your business without proper protection. Whether it’s embezzlement or a natural disaster, a lawsuit or anything else that causes financial harm – it could spell the end of an otherwise thriving operation. Our agents are seasoned in helping you navigate through the multitude of complex insurance options and sometimes confusing terminology.
At Lott & Gaylor when it comes to your business insurance we realize that if you don’t succeed, we don’t succeed. Lott & Gaylor has proudly served the business insurance needs of Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Naples and all of Southwest Florida for over 30 years.
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