As a design professional, you understand that every job requires diligence, careful planning and ultimately meeting the goals set out by your customer. Lott & Gaylor recognizes that regardless of how meticulously you plan and deliver projects, architects and engineers professional mistakes can and do happen – often with devastating results.
We’ve listened to our clients and have partnered with “A” rated insurance companies that have developed comprehensive architects and engineers professional liability insurance plans. These specialized programs will help protect against losses arising from losses resulting from real or perceived negligence or the errors or omissions in the deliverance of your professional design services.
Partnering with an experienced risk adviser, agency and carrier with a specialized understanding of your risk may make the difference between weathering a legal storm and complete financial ruin.
With ever expanding design and build technologies, contract requirements and changes in the legal climate – the challenges you face are more numerous than ever before. If a claim or lawsuit is brought – your individual or business firms financial security may depend on the quality of protection your architects and engineers professional liability insurance policy brings.
If you have questions about the programs we offer for architects professional liability or engineers professional liability, call or email us today. We’re here to answer your questions or review your current policy to ensure your protection is right for a cost that is affordable.
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