Florida Motel & Hotel Insurance

Florida Motel & Hotel Insurance

Hotel insurance and Motel insurance in Florida has never been easier with specialty hospitality programs that are designed for these unique risks. Our unique insurance programs offer broad coverages at competitive prices. With essential coverages like general liability, umbrella and excess liability, liquor liability, property and building insurance to workers compensation – we have programs that can cover it all.

You worry enough about putting “heads in beds”, let your agent worry about protecting your business and it’s assets through affordable and comprehensive hotel and motel insurance. With over three decades of experience insuring hotels, motels, resorts and B&B’s – Lott & Gaylor’s commercial agents are seasoned at matching your business insurance needs with programs that will cover them comprehensively at a great price.

Contact us today and let one of our agents put together a competitive package for your hotel, motel, resort or hospitality based business.

National Program Targets:
Recommended Coverages:
Lott & Gaylor’s Hotel, Motel and Resort Insurance programs are available through A.M. Best A-Rated Carriers and are available nationally.
Premium Discounts Available:
Our carriers have implemented ‘best practice’ discounting to qualifying applicants. The following discounts may be available. Speak with a Lott & Gaylor representative to see if you qualify.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)