Commercial and Construction Surety Bonds

Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Naples Surety Bonds

Lott & Gaylor Insurance provides wide-ranging construction and commercial surety bond solutions to companies of all sizes here in Fort Myers, Naples, Cape Coral and all of Southwest Florida. Our carriers offer a superior combination of capacity, industry knowledge and excellent service.

Generally, bonds are quick to place and our carriers offer the most competitive premiums on the market. 

Note the links below to view the types of surety bonds we place.

License & Permit Bonds

These bonds guarantee a corporation or individual will operate in accordance with governmental statutes, regulations, and ordinances. There are dozens of different types of license and permit bonds guaranteeing numerous obligations.

Court Bonds

These bonds are guarantees required by courts at various points in legal proceedings. These include appeal bonds, supersedeas bonds, replevin bonds, cost bonds, etc. As an example, before an appeal can be filed in a civil case, an appeal bond is usually required guaranteeing that the appellant will indeed pay the plaintiff if he/she ultimately loses the suit.

Lost Instrument Bonds

When an individual loses a certificate for a stock or bond or other negotiable instrument, a lost instrument bond must be filed with the transfer agent/issuer of that asset before replacement securities can be issued to the registered owner. Essentially, lost instrument bonds protect the transfer agent from the liability that would arise in the event the lost securities were to re-appear and be negotiated.

Performance Bonds

Bonds that assure that a contract will be performed according to its terms and specifications. In the event a contractor defaults, these bonds generally obligate the surety to either finance the contractor, undertake the completion of the project, tender a new contractor to the owner or pay the bond penalty.

Payment Bonds

Bonds that assure a contractor will make appropriate, prompt and full payments for labor and material consumed on a project.

Maintenance Bonds

Bonds that assure a project will remain free of defects in workmanship or materials for a specific period of time.

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