
Fort Myers is a thriving Southwest Florida coastal city known for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene, abundance of sun …

Cape Coral, Florida’s “Waterfront Wonderland,” is a city where canals tell tales and local legends add intrigue. Despite its allure for residents …

As we move out of hurricane season, it’s fitting to shed light on an often overlooked but immensely significant aspect of homeownership …

Navigating the complex world of insurance claims can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with insurance company adjusters. These professionals are …

Living in the beautiful sunshine state comes with its own set of unique challenges, especially when it comes to homeowners and condo …

Owning a home or condo is a dream that many aspire to fulfill. These properties are not only a place to live, …

With insurance premiums skyrocketing here in Florida – you may be asking yourself if the additional premium you’re paying for wind and …

Since there is plenty of misinformation and myths about home insurance in Fort Myers, we’re here to set the record straight. At …

Though boat accidents don’t occur as often as auto accidents, the importance of having boat insurance in Fort Myers cannot be overstated. …

Condo insurance helps protect you from losses and repair costs associated with a condominium unit. In a typical policy, you’ll often find …

Condo insurance and homeowners insurance are similar in the fact that they both cover the inside of a home, personal property, and …

Your home is one of your biggest assets, so it only makes sense to protect it. That’s exactly what homeowners insurance does …

It seems like everything is more expensive nowadays, including car insurance. At Lott & Gaylor Insurance, we are dedicated to getting our …

There are many things about insuring a home that most consumers aren’t aware of. We are here to make sure you avoid potential problem areas

Florida is known for the most beautiful weather in the nation. It’s not nicknamed the Sunshine State for nothing! But, as Floridians

It’s very important to have homeowners insurance in Southwest Florida, and it’s also important to know what a homeowners

There are a variety of factors that can impact the rate of homeowners insurance. The amount you pay for homeowners

Depending on where you live in Florida, the windstorm portion of your homeowners policy premium is typically between

Whether you're the owner of company or an independent contractor, professional liability insurance is typically the last thing

Install hurricane straps. Made of galvanized metal, hurricane straps help hold the roof and walls together in high winds.

Many Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Naples home and business owners are starting to feel the bite of the the first National

We often have clients (or prospective clients) calling us asking for a quote with Citizens for their home insurance policy

Depending on where you live in Florida, the windstorm portion of your homeowners policy premium is typically between

Business interruption (also known as business income coverage) insurance is a key part of any complete commercial

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