Claims Center

Lott & Gaylor Insurance is committed and here for you before, during and after your loss.

To report a claim, get started by selecting an option below that best fits your needs.

Personal Lines Claims Directory

Commercial Lines Claims Directory

CarrierDirect Line
AIG Auto(888) 244-6163
AmComp(800) 749-1898
Bankers Insurance Group(800) 765-9700
Citizens Property Insurance Corp.(866) 411-2742
CNA Insurance(877) 262-2727
FCCI Insurance Group(800) 226-3224
Hartford Insurance(800) 243-5860
Hartford Steamboiler(888) 472-5677
Hartford Auto Glass(800) 892-8484
ICAT Specialty Insurance Company(866) 789-4228
Mainstreet America Group(877) 425-2467
Montgomery Insurance Company(800) 987-6000
Nationwide Insurance(800) 421-3535
Philadelphia Insurance Companies(800) 765-9749
Progressive(800) 274-4499
Safeco Insurance Company(888) 332-3226
Summit/Bridgefield Workers Comp(800) 762-7811
Travelers Insurance(800) 238-6225
Travelers Workers Comp(800) 238-6225
Travelers Boiler & Machinery(800) 835-1291

Flood Claim Reporting

CarrierDirect Line
Assurant/American Bankers(800) 423-4403
Wright Flood(800) 725-9472
Hartford Flood(800) 759-8656
Travelers Flood(800) 356-6663
National Flood Services(800) 759-8656

Filing an Insurance Claim

Step One: Notify Your Insurer To Start The Claims Process
After experiencing a property loss, contact your Lott & Gaylor Agent or insurance company to file a claim. Make sure you have the following information handy:
  • The name of your insurance company
  • Your policy number
  • A telephone and/or email address where you can be reached at all times

An adjuster should contact you within a few days of filing your claim. If you do not hear from an adjuster, you can contact your insurance agent or company again.

Understand your duties and responsibilities. Read your policy, under “Section 1 – Conditions, (2) Duties after a loss.” there are very specific time frames under which the insurance company must be notified, failure to abide by these conditions could result in denial of a claim.

Step Two: Document The Damage
Separate damaged from undamaged property. Your adjuster will need evidence of the damage to your home and possessions to prepare your repair estimate.
  • Take photographs of all of the damaged property, including discarded objects, structural damage, and standing floodwater levels.
  • Make a list of damaged or lost items and include their date of purchase, value, and receipts, if possible.
  • Officials may require disposal of damaged items so, if possible, place flooded items outside of the home.
Step Three: Complete A Proof Of Loss To Support Your Claim

Your adjuster will assist you in preparing a Proof of Loss (which is your sworn statement of the amount you are claiming including necessary supporting documentation) for your official claim for damages. A Proof of Loss can be many things, but must contain the specific details set forth in the Standard Flood Insurance Policy. You’ll need to file your Proof of Loss with your insurance company within 60 days of the flood. This document substantiates the insurance claim and is required before the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or insurance company can make payment.

You’ll receive your claim payment after you and the insurer agree on the amount of damages and the insurer has your complete, accurate, and signed Proof of Loss. If major catastrophic flooding occurs, it may take longer to process claims and make payments because of the sheer number of claims submitted.

Need More Assistance filing your claim?

We are open during these times:

8:30 am until noon and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Mo – Th 8:30 am until noon and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Friday

  • Visit the FAQ page and learn what to do immediately after a loss and what you’ll need to report the claim.
  • We will be happy to assist you with any aspect of the claims reporting procedures during normal business hours. Weekend services can be provided through appointment.
  • Extended office hours to process claims may be available after disasters.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)