Plumbers Insurance

Fort Myers & Cape Coral Plumbers Insurance

Leaky pipes and clogged drains are the types of emergencies you handle every day. Whether you’re an apprentice, journeyman or a master plumber you need plumbers insurance coverage that will protect you and your business when the emergency becomes yours.

Lott & Gaylor has provided comprehensive plumbing contractor insurance solutions to Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Naples and all of Florida for over 30 years. Our plumber insurance packages are offered through A.M. Best A-Rated company’s that are tailor-made for plumbing contractors with many additional coverages that are not typically found in standard general liability policy’s. With programs ranging from one man operations to large-scale plumbing operations – we have the knowledge and ability to give you insurance policy’s that are as sound as they are affordable.

Whether you’re looking for an alternative to your current insurance program or are just getting started, Lott & Gaylor would be happy to review your needs and offer you a competitive, comprehensive insurance package.

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(10am - 05 pm)