Little-Known facts about Homeowners Insurance

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  • Little-Known facts about Homeowners Insurance

There are many things about insuring a home that most consumers aren’t aware of. We are here to make sure you avoid potential problem areas, including:

  • Most policies will not cover sewer backup, unless you purchase a special endorsement
  • Damages caused by surface water or water that flows below the surface of the ground aren’t usually covered
  • A standard homeowners policy typically does not include Flood Insurance
  • A standard homeowners policy only covers jewelry, up to set limits if the loss resulted from one of the perils named on the policy
  • Many policies default to actual cash value, which means if you purchased a widescreen TV and home theater system for $1,000, it may now only be worth $450, so that’s all you’ll receive on the claim. Just like the dwelling limit mentioned above, replacement cost insurance pays out the total replacement value of your possessions, not their market value, in the event of a claim.
  • IMPORTANT: You can combine your Home and Auto policies (and others) for even more savings.
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