Why Fort Myers Homeowners Should Update Their Insurance Policy for 2025

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  • Why Fort Myers Homeowners Should Update Their Insurance Policy for 2025
homeowners insurance in Fort Myers FL

Coastal communities in Florida, including Fort Myers, are frequently experiencing severe storms. One of these storms could damage your home, for example, by shattering your pool cage. Since construction costs have doubled since you last checked your policy, you are left with a $30,000 repair bill, but your current policy limits are $12,000 in coverage. This scenario is all too common throughout the state. With out-of-control construction costs, combined home sales and price growth of over 22%, and wild weather becoming the norm, your 2024 policy might not match 2025’s reality. A quick review of your homeowners insurance in Fort Myers, FL, today can prevent an expensive surprise tomorrow.

Factors Impacting Fort Myers Homeowners Insurance in 2025

Hurricanes and severe storms pose a higher risk to the Fort Myers metropolitan area. Because extreme weather events are occurring more frequently, comprehensive coverage for wind, water, and flood damage is a necessity.

Weather-Related Risks

  • Hurricanes cause billions in damages annually, with Fort Myers often in their path.
  • Standard policies may not cover flooding, leaving homeowners exposed to costly repairs.

Property Value Trends

Fort Myers real estate values have risen significantly in recent years. While higher property values benefit homeowners, they also necessitate an increase in replacement costs and higher policy limits. 

  • Failing to update coverage could leave your home underinsured if disaster strikes.
  • Rising construction costs mean repairs or rebuilding could exceed outdated limits.

Home Renovations

Upgrades like kitchen remodels, room additions, or new pools often increase your home’s value. However, many homeowners overlook the need to update their insurance after making these changes.

  • Renovations can increase the cost of repairs or replacement.
  • Notify your insurer of significant changes to ensure they’re covered.

Other Life Changes

Major personal milestones may also require insurance adjustments:

  • Acquiring high-value items like jewelry, collectibles, or art.
  • Household changes include welcoming a new family member or kids moving out.

Check your policy for common gaps here.

How Often Should You Update Homeowners Insurance?

Fort Myers homeowners should review their insurance policies each year or after significant life or property changes. This practice ensures that coverage accurately reflects current risks and property values.

  • Annual reviews help account for market changes and inflation.
  • Update policies after renovations, big purchases, or significant life events.
  • Fort Myers’ rising real estate values and exposure to flooding and hurricane risks make regular updates critical.

Regular reviews ensure high-value items, like a new boat or luxury car, are included in your coverage.

Addressing Rising Insurance Rates in Fort Myers

Fort Myers homeowners are at the epicenter of rapidly rising insurance rates due to regional weather risks and broader market trends. You can manage costs while ensuring adequate protection by taking these steps:

  • Review your coverage limits to avoid both overinsuring and underinsuring your property.
  • Understand deductibles to balance affordability and protection.
  • Work with an experienced agency to find competitive rates and discounts.

Stay Prepared for the Unexpected

Being underinsured can cost far more than a quick policy review. With rising rates and unpredictable weather, now is the time to act. 

At Lott & Gaylor, we specialize in helping Fort Myers homeowners navigate insurance complexities. Our team of professionals will assess your risks and coverage to ensure your policy aligns with your requirements and financial plan while avoiding any unforeseen gaps or exposures.

Start the year right. Contact Lott & Gaylor today for a personalized policy review.

About Lott & Gaylor

At Lott & Gaylor, our sole mission is to redefine your expectations of insurance. We are committed to elevating every aspect of your insurance experience by providing unparalleled coverage, competitive pricing, and exceptional service. Anticipating challenges before they arise is a cornerstone of our approach. Our goal is simple: to keep you and your loved ones protected with the right policies at affordable prices.

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