Trouble shooting breaker problems, re-wires and managing crews is how you spend most days, you don’t have time to think about your confusing electricians insurance program. But protecting your business from the “what-ifs” in life is critical in today’s legal climate and a comprehensive, affordable insurance program is the way to carry out that goal.
From protecting your multi-meter to theft or your commercial auto and office equipment from accidents and fires, getting a solid insurance plan may be easier to put into place than you think. With multiple, competitive A.M. Best “A”-Rated companies to work with – Lott & Gaylor’s agents are ready to help give you the peace of mind every business owner should enjoy.
You worry about enough, let us do the heavy lifting when the “what if’s” in life turn into lost income and downtime. With over thirty years of experience insuring contractors – we understand the electrical contracting business and how to protect it with broad insurance coverages and premiums that will fit any budget.
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