Lott & Gaylor Insurance


with a personal touch

With more than 40 years in business in Southwest Florida, our only mission is to protect you. Let us show you the power of personal service.

Personal Insurance

Home, Auto, Boat and Life. Talk to one of our agents today to review your existing insurance plan or develop a new one.

Auto Insurance

Let our agents navigate the confusion and shop our auto insurance companies to find you the best production. Complete coverage at affordable rates!

Business Insurance

We believe every business owner deserves access to sound, informed advice. We're ready to help protect your future. Come rain or shine we'll keep what matters most safe.
Why Choose Us?

Dedicated to keeping what matters to you most, safe.

Since Frank Lott began writing homeowners insurance policies in Fort Myers in 1956, we’ve learned quite a bit about how to manage the unique challenges faced by Southwest Floridians – as well as what our Lee County community demands when it comes to the value of peace of mind. We understand that affordable home insurance, auto insurance, and business insurance can often be confusing and that too many insurance agencies focus on themselves.

For more than 65 years our founders have instilled a deep sense of culture that revolves around honesty, integrity and reliability. Whether you have a home or auto policy question, or a commercial insurance need  – our agents are here to help you navigate through the uncertainty of what can often be a seemingly complicated process.

What's next?

Getting Started is easy

Contact us today and let us show you how the power of personal service and a passion for risk management can help you protect the things you care about most.

Call or Apply Online

Apply Online using our secure application forms or call

Get a Quote

We will send you competitive quotes with options to choose from

Get Coverage

Once you approve, coverage can start almost immediately

Homeowners & Condo Insurance

Your home is your castle, let's make sure it's protected - affordably!

Auto Insurance

Our auto insurance company’s offer sound coverage at a price that will fit any budget.

Business Insurance

Complete commercial insurance solutions for most industries.

Affordable Home & Condo Insurance

Have you ever asked yourself... What would happen if a disaster struck your home tomorrow? Are you confident you’re properly covered for damages and total loss? Would you be required to pay out of pocket for some or all the repairs?

Save on Auto Insurance Today!

Let our agents navigate the confusion and shop our auto insurance companies to find you the best production. Complete coverage at affordable rates!

Comprehensive Commercial Insurance Plans

Protect your business affordably
Protecting your business should be the first order of business. From general liability, auto, property, workers comp and beyond - we can help!

What our clients are saying...

Contact us today to compare and save.

Reliability. Integrity. Peace of mind.

Start a fast, free home, auto or business insurance quote with Lott & Gaylor. Contact us today and let us show you how the power of personal service and a passion for risk management can help you protect the things you care about most. 

Carriers We Represent

One-size-fits-all doesn’t apply when it comes to insurance, which is why every clients needs are matched with a company that suits them best.

As an independent agency we sit on the same side of the table as our clients.  Since 1982, we’ve grown our insurance company portfolio to find the best home, auto, business, and specialty insurance companies for our clients in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Naples and all of Southwest Florida. 

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)